• Coloured in white, water soluble, odourless fertilizer which contains 46 kg nitrogen in 100 kg norm.
• Urea provides the highest nitrogen content among other chemical fertilizers.
• It’s agriculturtal value is great.
• Directly effects the plants as a nutritional source, which helps crops to be rich and qulified.
• Has minor corrosive impact on agricultural devices.
• Cost less than other types of fertilizers from the point of unit nitrogen content.
• Could be applied to soil in various way such as sprey application, speading or in irrigation water.
• As it is highly water soluble, it’s nitrogen content can be easily absorbed by the plants.
• Has a positive impact on increase in length of plants. Also increase the fructification.
• Has a positive impact on root development of plants.
• Plant development deteriorates and root becomes slim through the lack of nitrogen.
Also, bottom leafs of the plants turn yellow. If the absence of nitrogen continious, leafs turn brown and die.
• As its nitrogen content can be immediatelly absorbed by plants, nitrogen needs cannot be supplied contiously. Therefore, other nitrate based fertilizers, such as CAN26% OR an33%, should be used as ground fertilizer.
• Keep it out from fire and heat sources.
• Store the packaged materials in piles. The height of the piles should not be more than 15 bags. Also, there should be grilles that can drift apart the bags from floor and there should be minimum 1 m distance between two piles.
• The storage place should be dry and well-ventilated.
• Do not smoke in storage place and do not use fire.
• Keep the product away from direct sun light in order to avoid physical deterioration comes from heat.
• Do not store the product in humid environment.
• The storage doors should be kept close, especially where humudity and temperature difference between day and night is high.
• Use gloves when handling long term.
• Stricktly, do not store it in same place with urea.
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